http://everyrecordtellsastory.com/2012/05/27/judas-priest-dream-deceivers/ - "The prosecution fell apart when it was discovered that the “expert” they had used to find the backwards messages had also found secret messages on boxes of Ritz crackers, $5 bills, chocolate biscuits and other everyday items, which rather damaged his credibility".
NME's original review of OK Computer, from its 14th June 1997 edition, is reproduced at http://www.citizeninsane.eu/s1997-06-14NME.htm and isn't a bad piece of writing, considering.
Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Act Five, Scene III
The full text of Leary, Metzner and Alpert's The Psychedelic Experience is available from http://enlight.lib.ntu.edu.tw/FULLTEXT/JR-AN/an141555.pdf
Hesiod, Theogony, 720ff http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0130%3Acard%3D687
Peter Kingsley, In the Dark Places of Wisdom and Reality
Rael, previously known as Claude Vorilhon, received his own revelation in 1973, just before "real time", according to Philip K Dick, began again.[7]
See [5]
Links relating to P.I.D. are collected at https://www.diigo.com/user/jonnyopinion/paul-is-dead
Links relating to P.I.D. are collected at https://www.diigo.com/user/jonnyopinion/paul-is-dead
"The Winged Beetle" uses many of synchromysticism's reference points. To name a few; Aleister Crowley, Lewis Carrol, Charles Manson and the Process Church of the Final Judgement, Roman Polanski, the numerology of 9/11, 2012, the number 23, goats and satanic imagery, kabbalah, alchemical symbolism, John Lennon assassination conspiracies - but it's with reference to the strange case of Mal Evans and his missing suitcase that the film acquires a mythology all of its own.
Context is everything of course (or should I say nothing? Of course...) and while no disrespect is meant for one of the seminal texts of the Situationist movement, and it is a text about which plenty must be said, the wider metaphysical reality of 1968 is something we have to keep in mind for now.
"...one of James Hurtak's leading 'disciples', a Dutch woman named Marijke Posthuma (an artist, illustrator and set designer who once worked for the Beatles)". - The Stargate Conspiracy, p 119. Unfortunately, there is no such person as Marijke Posthuma. The two original members of The Fool were Simon (Seemon) Posthuma and Marijke Koger, who together worked on various Beatle projects in 1967-68 (including the original, rejected, Sgt. Pepper cover).FOUR
The First Philosophers, translated by Robin Waterfield, contains references for all the primary source material for the presocratic fragments.
Or, equally, as ineffable as water and as ubiquitous as god.
Viking 1 landed on Mars on 20th July, 1976 - seven years to the day after Apollo 11 landed the first human beings on the moon.
The "stargate" in the eponymous 1994 film, uses water as a conduit, transporting the characters from Earth to another world; a world with genetic connections to ancient Egypt and controlled by the alien being Ra. The Stargate Conspiracy, first published in 1999, draws on the popularity of that film. The mythology continues to evolve: Andrew Basiago, who claims to have travelled through a stargate of earthly origin in the early 1980s with Barack Obama to the planet Mars, is running for President of the United States in 2016.FIVE
Mark 10:35-40
I Am the Walrus. - No. I Am!: Can Paul McCartney Transpose the Ubiquitous "Lennon/McCartney" Songwriting Credit to Read "McCartney/Lennon?" An Exploration of the Surviving Beatle's Attempt to Re-Write Music Lore, as it Pertains to the Bundle of Intellectual Property Rights - one of the most excellently-titled pdfs that could possibly exist, is available at http://digitalcommons.pepperdine.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1141&context=plr
Narcissus and Echo. Liam and Noel. The Caduceus (and the Ouroborus). Boaz and Jachin. The DNA double helix. The pillars of Hercules. Gemini. Janus. The doppelgänger. Snakes and ladders...
Narcissus and Echo. Liam and Noel. The Caduceus (and the Ouroborus). Boaz and Jachin. The DNA double helix. The pillars of Hercules. Gemini. Janus. The doppelgänger. Snakes and ladders...
"Matthew's manipulation of the genealogy is reflected in the fact that he dropped the names of the 3 Judahite kings in Jesus' line: Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim and Zedekiah [see 2 Chronicles 36:1-13], doubled the use of the name of both King David in verse 6 and King Jechoniah in verses 11 and 12 in the beginning of his 2 and 3 sets, and added the name of Tamar's other son Zerah (not in the line of descent) to make his list reflect the symbolism he desired in the total number of names/ males" -http://www.agapebiblestudy.com/documents/Matthew%27s%20Genealogy%20of%20Jesus%20of%20Nazareth.htm
etc, etc.
The original 2001 website for the film is archived here. Text of 'The Philosophy of Time Travel' can be found more easily here.
The existence of Joe Ephgrave, purported designer of the drum skin, is controversial.
An exploration of connections between the white rabbit, 9/11, the Roswell crash age the beginning of the atomic age, through the lens of time travel classic and recent conspiracist/sychromystic focal point, Back to the Future, is explored here.
The Stargate Conspiracy, p170
Acts 1:9
"Primeministerial is actually a word now, which tells us a great deal about the nature of the problem.
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